What does it concretely mean to be on a pathway compatible with 1.5°C? What types of measures must be applied to reach there? Can we really follow this pathway? So many questions that our consulting firm B&L evolution decided to answer in a study which shows the feasibility of this path and the efforts required.
This document analyses the level of reduction of greenhouses gases which France would need to achieve in order to remain on track with the « 1.5°C pathway » and lists a set of measures per sector to give an idea of the scale of the task.
Charles-Adrien Louis, co-founder of B&L evolution and co-author of the study, explains the objective of this study based on the special report of the GIEC: « It was important for us to bring a technical feasibility study on the scope and urgency of mesures required to understand the objective of 1.5°C pathway. »
> Find the English version « How to align with a 1.5°C pathway? » below and its infographic.
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